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      Heat Treatment – The Ladykillers: Pest Detectives Say Heat Treatment Is The Only Way To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

      While many of us may think that girls are made from sugar and spice, and all things nice, you may have been in for a shock if you watched The Ladykillers: Pest Detectives. It was a program about these women (made of sugar, spice and all things nice), making a living from exterminating pests such as bed bugs, rats, moths and cockroaches.

      The Ladykillers: Pest Detectives Say Heat Treatment Is The Only Way To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

      If you didn’t watch it you may want to as it was quite interesting, there are three more episodes of the series to come so now is your chance to get into it.

      For those of you watching The Ladykillers: Pest Detectives, you may be aware of the fact that ‘The Ladykillers’ say the only real way of guaranteeing total eradication of the modern bed bug is through heat treatment as bed bugs are becoming immune to chemicals that are available on the market. They felt that heat treatment for bed bugs really was the best option to get rid of these pests.

      Here at JG Pest Control in London we quite agree. The chemical free treatment of heat treatment for bed bugs works extremely well at eradicating bed bugs and bed bugs eggs from homes, hotels, public transport and a wide range of places that bed bugs love to try and hide.

      Bed bugs used to be a difficult pest to get rid of, before there was heat treatment. Heat Treatment is the only way to kill the bed bugs, the bed bugs eggs and. As a result, to get rid of the bed bug infestation as a whole, immediately. Heat treatment for bed bugs is effective, quick and safe.

      Heat Treatment for bed bugs is extremely effective and reduces the use of pesticides that can be potentially harmful. Bed Bugs often lay their tiny eggs in inaccessible places that can only be got at by heat. This is why heat treatment for bed bugs is an increasingly popular service offered by our team here at JG Pest Control.

      Why not contact our team of heat treatment experts now to discuss heat treatment for bed bugs within your home or business? We would be happy to answer your queries and offer you a free, no obligation quote.
